Progress Beyond Limits With Our Partnership

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower businesses to transform their digital presence and achieve growth through data-driven strategies and marketing innovation. By partnering with our clients, we strive to understand their unique goals and vision. We then develop integrated marketing strategies anchored in research and optimization to help them build brand awareness, engage key audiences, foster meaningful customer relationships and gain a competitive advantage. From content creation to social media, advertising and marketing automation, we provide customized solutions and help companies advance their business objectives through tech-powered digital marketing. Our team is dedicated to continuous learning and progress to redefine our clients' success online.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to help companies grow their top and bottom line with straight forward digital marketing solutions. We hate hearing other marketing agencies selling a dream, charging exuberant pricing, having interns work on accounts or bundling services to hide how much they are really spending on ads.
We keep our media spend and our management fees separate for your clarity and transparency. Further, all solutions we provide we currently use ourselves for other businesses we are involved in. We would love for you to A/B test our services with any other agency out there as we are confident we will come out on top.
Our plans are all monthly or one-time fees with no long term contracts. We want to give you the flexibility of stopping at any time if you don't see results because we are that confident in our ability to provide you value.

Our Story
From 15 to 23 years old, Logan worked in the family business in southern California doing much of their email marketing and paper-click advertising for consumer products. Sales exceeded $10,000,000 annually. Logan has two degrees from Pepperdine University -- a Bachelor of Science degree in business and an MBA.
After graduation, Logan joined Informa, the largest event organizer in the world, based in London. He was responsible for millions of dollars of annual ad spend to bring attendees and exhibitors to events. After breaking company attendance records with his efforts of lead generation and landing page building, he decided to pursue entrepreneurship.
He was immediately humbled as he actually failed on several small startup businesses. He then decided to start a Shopify ecommerce business and it reached over a million dollars in sales in its first year. A key factor in achieving 7 digits were because of his ad expertise and developing automated email marketing funnels as well as learning from his past failures.
Logan's main goal now is to help other aspiring entrepreneurs grow their business' without having to make the mistakes he did. He's worked with several marketing agencies and realized most of them are just amazing sales people, not amazing marketers. Logan started McFarland Marketing to remove the fluff, and provide real results without the sales pitches attached to it.