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Our Features

We offer several solutions to help you reach your business goals. A business is like a puzzle - the more pieces in the right place determine how successful it is. A profitable business has at least 25 out of 30 puzzle pieces put together. You might be on the cusp of turning great profits but don't realize you need one or two more puzzle pieces in place to make your business sustainable and profitable. We are here to offer you those puzzle pieces. 

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Conversion Tracking

Ever since Apple released their new IOS changes, tracking through first party cookies has been close to impossible. This makes it very hard for clients to see what ads are working and what isn't. We use Google Tag Manager and 3rd party cookies to by-pass this privacy change by Apple to help you see which campaigns are converting.

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Brand Mirroring

We use a tactic called brand mirroring that all major corporations use. This is the tactic of using the same creatives, headlines & content across all ad platforms, marketing material and landing page. This greatly improves conversion rates as it leads to a higher cross-device conversion rate.

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Paid Ads & SMM

We offer paid ads solutions for search engine marketing (SEM) with Google and Bing as well as social media marketing with Facebook and Instagram. We have extensive experience running ads for both ecommerce websites as well as lead generation companies. We also offer paid ads for app installs. 

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Website Creation

Whether you need a lead generation website or are starting an e-commerce store, we can help build you a new website for you business with a 45 day turnaround. We provide custom CSS on Shopify stores to boost conversion rates. We can also help setup lead forms if you run a lead based business.

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White Hat SEO

We have taken business from zero in revenue to over 7 digits within a year with our extensive SEO efforts. We can help get you on Google My Business and optimize your listing on search engines. SEO is always a great long term solution to bring stability to your business as well as revenue you don't have to continually pay for like advertisements. 

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Email Marketing Funnels

One of our most popular plans is our email marketing funnels for both Shopify or Woocomerce stores. We install 8 fully functioning funnels from abandon cart to welcome flows to help you drive revenue and recapture lost sales. Our email funnels we can implement for you are the exact funnels we use to this day.  

- Consulting Slots Limited -

First Come First Serve

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