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The Complete Guide to Email Automation for Ecommerce

Email automation is the process of setting up triggered emails that get sent automatically based on predetermined events and scenarios. It takes repetitive email campaigns that require manual sending and makes them more scalable and efficient through automation. Emails are triggered by user actions like abandoning a cart, time delays like sending a follow-up email after 7 days, or other scenarios predefined in an automation workflow. This saves significant time compared to segmenting contacts and manually sending appropriate emails. It also allows much more personalization and optimization of email timing.

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What is Email Automation for E-commerce?

Answer: Email automation involves using technology to trigger and send emails automatically based on predefined logic and scenarios. It removes the need to manually send one-off campaigns every time. Workflows and journeys can be set up once and continue running with no ongoing maintenance needed. Common triggers include cart abandonment, browse abandonment, post-purchase, user signups, or time delays.


Here are 6 Examples of Email Automation:
1. Abandoned Carts: Triggered when a shopper leaves items in their cart without completing checkout. A timely, personalized abandoned cart email can help recover many lost sales by reminding customers and offering incentives.
2. Browse Abandonment: Sends a follow-up when a customer leaves your website without making a purchase. Keeping your brand top of mind and drawing them back.
3. Post-Purchase: Confirm order details immediately after purchase. Opportunity to get feedback with surveys. Strengthen relationship.
4. Order Updates: Keep customers informed throughout the order process with shipping and delivery status emails. Provide excellent service.
5. Upsell Recommendations: Suggest complementary products or upgrades to drive more revenue from existing customers.
6. Win-Back Offers: Win back dormant or churned customers with special incentives to purchase again.

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Automating email workflows provides a variety of benefits, including:


1. Increased Revenue

- Recover lost sales through abandoned cart emails

- Improve conversion rates with optimized timing and content

- More time to focus on high value marketing activities


2. Improved Customer Engagement

- Personalized, well-timed emails build loyalty

- Guide customers through purchase process

- Bring customers back into the sales funnel


3. More Efficient Operations

- Send more emails without additional effort

- Minimize time spent on manual segmentation and sending

- Workflows are easy to refine and optimize


4. Better Customer Insights 

- Track user behavior to understand pain points

- Gather data for better targeting and personalization

- Continuously improve through testing and analytics


4 Benefits of Email Automation for E-commerce

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7 Key Email Automation Components to Help You Succeed 

Structuring an effective email automation strategy requires expertise and the right marketing technology stack. Here are some of the most important components:


1. Offer incentives like discounts or promos to motivate purchases. Incentives entice subscribers to take action when they receive automated emails.

2. Personalize copy and product recommendations to match customer interests. Personalized content improves open and click rates compared to generic messages.

3. Continually test content, timing, subject lines and remove what doesn't work. Use A/B testing to refine and optimize every element of your automated emails.

4. Avoid over sending or customers will tune out messages. Balance frequency and volume to avoid overwhelming subscribers.

5. Integrate with other channels like social media and site banners. Automated emails should support your broader marketing initiatives.

6. Analyze performance data to maximize open and clickthrough rates. Use analytics to identify opportunities to improve deliverability and response rates.

7. Segment your subscriber list based on behaviors and attributes. Tailor content to the specific needs and interests of each subscriber segment. 


An advanced email automation strategy requires extensive testing, data analysis, and nonstop fine-tuning. 

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Here is an overview of the McFarland Marketing approach tailored to email funnels for ecommerce:


1. Results focused: 

-Set email KPIs like open rates, CTRs, conversion rates
- Continuously optimize to improve email performance
- Prove email drives online s
ales and revenue


2. Audience personas:

- Divide email list into highly segmented personas
- Customize email content to persona interests
- Evolve personas as you gain more customer insights


3. Personalized journeys

- Map out tailored email journeys for each persona 
- Guide customers through awareness, consideration, conversion
- Trigger emails based on behaviors and preferences


4. Cross-channel storytelling

- Ensure email aligns with your other marketing content
- Reinforce brand image and key messages across channels
- Drive traffic to your site and social through email


5. Agile creative

- Test email content, offers and design variations
- Iterate quickly based on open and click through rates
- Balance brand consistency with ability to pivot

The McFarland Marketing Approach to Email Automation Funnels

Get Started with a Free Email Automation Assessment

Did you know that Logan McFarland, the founder of McFarland Marketing has brought in an extra $234,424 to his e-commerce brand from email funnels? McFarland Marketing offers the same exact dynamic email automation setup for any ecommerce brands using Shopify or Woocommerce at a one-time fee. Book a Free Call below to reserve your spot in line for email automation funnels for e-commerce.

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